What you can drink on a diet for 7, 14 and 30 days

Radical methods of dealing with excess weight are becoming increasingly relevant among those who are losing weight. Many overweight people resort to the gastric band - a surgery to reduce their volume in order to lose weight by consuming the minimum amount of food they eat. There is a feeding system, also based on the principle of contraction of the stomach to a small size. It can be used safely at home, and the result in weight loss will be determined by its resistance, how long it lasts and whether the list of allowed products is followed.

What is diet to drink

This is an effective technique for losing weight, designed according to the principle: drink everything, but don't eat anything. The concept of "drinking diet for weight loss" is not the same as weight loss systems like water diet, fasting days with liquids or medical fasting. This technique, unlike the previous one, does not exclude the consumption of any food, it only excludes the use of the masticatory reflex. This means that all allowed foods must be liquid, even watery.

With the help of scarce foods, our bodies get used to satiety more quickly, get rid of the habit of eating emotional hunger, with which a quick and effective elimination of extra pounds occurs. The main component of all liquid meals is water in large quantities. Along with other legal foods, it kills the feeling of hunger and is absolutely calorie free.

How to properly comply

rules for adherence to a diet

The liquid method for losing weight is rightly called one of the most effective, but it does not prohibit the intake of vital substances for the human body from food - it does not exclude proteins, fats or carbohydrates from the diet, it only involvesconvert them into liquidconsistency. Not all products can be made into liquids or purees (for example, meat), so it pays to stock up on a pharmacy vitamin complex and renew your strengths with fresh vitamin dishes every day.

Pros and cons

While supporters of this method of losing weight present the liquid method as the best method for losing weight, its pros and cons are in an equal position on the scale. The undeniable advantages of the system include:

  • complete cleansing of the body of food waste at the cellular level;
  • acceleration of metabolism by improving the work of the digestive tract;
  • stomach upset and satiety with a minimal amount of food;
  • rapid elimination of excess weight.

Those who lose weight using this method always experience its disadvantages:

  • it is very difficult psychologically to overcome the natural masticatory reflex;
  • in the early stages, you constantly have to endure an exhaustive obsessive appetite;
  • Frequent companions of the technique from the beginning are constant tiredness, apathy, a feeling of dissatisfaction;
  • The refusal of rough foods and chewing habits is a strong stress for the body, which not everyone who wants to lose weight can endure.


The classic version of a liquid diet is designed for one month - this is the ideal time for complete cleansing and renewal of the body's systems. However, not everyone can complete the full course of the technique, so there are other types of diet that are simpler, shorter and smoother. The meaning remains the same, and the duration varies depending on the psychological mood of the person losing weight, their willpower and state of health. For best results, even with the shortest liquid method, you need to know what to drink.

Drinking day

what can you drink on a drink diet

The easiest way to lose weight with liquids is to drink one day. In other words, this is a family and family fast day. The most popular drink for a day's flush is considered lemon water, but you shouldn't limit yourself to just it. The main thing is drinking, and what is not so important. It is best if it is a mono drink, although it is allowed to mix various types of liquids throughout the day. The daily dose is 25-35 ml per kilogram of weight, that is, from 1. 5 to 3 liters. You can use the following drinks while flushing liquids:

  • unsweetened tea of ​​any kind (black, green, herbal);
  • fat-free kefir or plain yogurt;
  • freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices;
  • Jam made from berries, fruits or nuts.

Three days

This three-day download is essentially the same as the previous option, but in this case, there must be three consecutive days of drinking. The requirements remain the same - we just drink, but we don't eat anything. Sugary, carbonated and concentrated drinks are prohibited. Everything must be fresh, natural, prepared with your own hands. A three-day liquid discharge menu can include:

  • tea, coffee (unsweetened, but the taste of a bitter drink can be added with a few spoons of milk), jam;
  • fruit and vegetable juices, cocktails, smoothies;
  • low-fat dairy products and fermented dairy products (fermented cooked milk is best used in minimal amounts due to its high fat content);
  • jelly - berry or oats.

Seven days

An effective, but difficult, seven-day course of fluid technique will help you lose a pound and a half a day. To diversify, enrich the diet of scarce liquids a little, you can insert meat and fish broths in the menu for 7 days, but they must be cooked with the addition of a minimum amount of salt, since salty drinks, such as salty food, retainfluids in the body and prevent weight loss. You can improve the taste of the finished broth with herbs, carrots or celery pieces.

exemplary drink diet menu

Recommended drinks:

  • unsweetened teas, jams, jam;
  • dairy products and sour milk;
  • juices, vitamins, vegetable broths;
  • broths: meat (lean - chicken or beef) or fish.

For 10 days

Significantly improves metabolism, drinking a diet for 10 days will help you lose at least 10 kg. The first steps of this technique can be very difficult, but in the middle of the diet the liquid food will become familiar and will saturate the body relatively quickly, although not for long. Therefore, it is better to follow a healthy diet: eat more often, but limit the size of the portion ingested. The list of drinks allowed for ten days is almost the same as methods with short liquids. This:

  • any tea, coffee, jam, uzvar, jam;
  • skimmed milk, kefir, plain yogurt;
  • vegetable broths, meat and fish broths;
  • natural juices, fruit and vegetable cocktails.

For two weeks

Although the weekly or ten-day liquid method can be covered with relative ease, the 2-week drink diet is a little more difficult to follow. The amount of nutrients received by the body is severely restricted, therefore, following such a diet, in addition to all the drinks above, you should definitely include in your daily diet vegetable puree soups, cooked without spices and then rubbed with a blender. until a watery consistency is obtained. For its preparation, both fresh vegetables and mixes of frozen vegetables bought in the store are suitable.

For a month

The most difficult and longest of the net weight loss methods is a one-month diet. To withstand such a long period of withdrawal from coarse foods, you need to prepare yourself mentally and physically. It is impossible, without habit and preliminary training, to abruptly abandon the usual diet, switching to liquid - this can threaten a collapse, which leads to the return of lost weight and health problems. You can drink anything on a monthly liquid diet that has liquid consistency and is listed in all of the above lists.


strict drink diet for weight loss

Any liquid method, regardless of its duration, can be called relatively hard, since in each of them solid foods are completely excluded from the diet. The most severe diet is considered to eat exclusively with water (fasting) and long-term nutrition with different fluids - a month or more. Short-term liquid diets, in which various drinks, vegetable and fruit purees, cocktails, decoctions, broths, grated soups, are considered less aggressive and safe for health.

Diet to drink cuttlefish

Such an interesting and aromatic method of weight loss can be attributed to two groups of diets at the same time: drink and mono-diets, because the only product that can be consumed in a shock diet is cocoa. Boil with a little skim milk or simply dilute it with unsweetened water or other sweeteners. You can try to sit on the cocoa for one to seven days; experts no longer recommend torturing the body, because health becomes the reward for the pounds lost with this approach.


A one-day liquid discharge does not require any specific dietary supplementation. A serious and longer liquid nutrition system must necessarily end with a smooth and competent exit from the diet. After a long period of time with fluid intake, the digestive tract stops accepting and processing solid foods, so they need to be introduced into the diet gradually. The duration of the outlet must be equal to two strokes of the past liquid supply system.

For the first few days after breakfast, experts recommend limiting yourself to a small serving of liquid oats and then maintaining your usual drink diet throughout the day. Then, you can try to include a light solid product in your lunch - a hard-boiled egg, a slice of hard cheese, a cucumber salad or an apple. After a week of such a system, one should switch to solid, low-fat foods, gradually returning to the previously familiar normal diet.


The liquid method is the simplest and easiest to prepare: the permitted products are consumed ready-made or require minimal heat treatment. Most recipes for a beverage diet are all types of drinks, the preparation technology of which is familiar even to a child. It is a little more difficult to make a mashed soup, because here the vegetables must first be boiled and then mashed in a blender. As this technique does not have a clear menu, but allows you to focus on your gastronomic preferences, each one will have their own recipes.